(Click on a painting for more information.)
The series of paintings is devoted to the company PERYSH.
“It derives from the word perish. Meaning that something disappears, vanishes, or distorts. This ongoing process, known as the cycle of life, exists ever since there’s been life on this planet. Perishing creates space for new existence, and we use this space to give new meaning to what has been lost. We want to capture the nostalgic feeling of things that have perished over time.”
For more information head over to https://perysh.com
The series of paintings is devoted to the company PERYSH.
“It derives from the word perish. Meaning that something disappears, vanishes, or distorts. This ongoing process, known as the cycle of life, exists ever since there’s been life on this planet. Perishing creates space for new existence, and we use this space to give new meaning to what has been lost. We want to capture the nostalgic feeling of things that have perished over time.”
For more information head over to https://perysh.com